B2B Startup Mx: Monto Monto is a SaaS platform for employers and financial institutions in Mexico looking to offer innovative financial products and benefits to their employees and customers. 5 min read
Fintech Startup Mx: Fintoc Fintoc is a mobile banking application that allows users to automate bank reconciliation and payment verification. 4 min read
Fintech Startup Mx: Crema International Bank Account and Financial Products for Borderless Freelancers and the Companies that Pay Them. 3 min read
Edtech Startup Mx: Cometa Cometa provides technological and financial tools to increase access to quality education in Mexico and Latin America. 3 min read
Fintech Startup Mx: Belvo Belvo is the open finance API platform that enables users to connect their accounts to an app. 3 min read
B2B Startup Mx: Fudata Fudata develops data-driven virtual restaurants that are scalable by using the untapped capacity of third-party restaurants 2 min read
Logistics Startup Mx: 99minutos 99 Minutos is an e-commerce delivery company that operates in Latin America. 3 min read